Seminar with Dr. Raiser in Washington, Snohomish Schutzhund Club
The Snohomish Schutzhund Club of Washington was proud to host Dr. Helmut Raiser for a three day seminar detailing his history and experiences in Schutzhund/IGP over the last 50+ years as well as his involvement and the development of RSV2000.
From June 28th – 30th the club was able to share the field with dog handlers from throughout Washington as well as Oregon and Canada for this unique event. With these handlers came a number of different breeds, including the German Shepherd, Belgian Mailnois, Dutch Shepherd, Giant Schnauzer, and Beauceron.
During his time at the club, Helmut worked around 10 dogs each day on varying aspects of of the sport including grips, secondary obedience during protection work, dumbbells / retrieve, and drive changes. RSV2000’s color coding system was found to be particularly useful in helping the handlers better understand the drives of their dogs and allowed for a streamlined communication method between Helmut and the handlers.
All of us of from the Snohomish Schutzhund Club as well as our visitors want to say thank you to Dr. Raiser for coming all the way out to the Pacific Northwest for this event. It was a wonderful experience!
Kelsey Hayden & Cindy Schneider